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Tuesday, 12 August 2014

I have sold my caravan due to health issues and the feeling that I would rather feel lonely at home, than on the road.

So rather than this blog being about my travels, in the main, it will be about other peoples travels. I often come across other peoples travel blogs, so I'm going to link to them from here.

One travel blog I've been linking to for a while on Dollyknot, is this one, Long ride home so I'm removing it from there and from now on, it is going to be linked to from here.

Another reason for the change is, I came across a travel blog the other week and could not make up my mind, whether to put it on my dollyknot page, so left it. Now I've changed the use of my Google travel blog, it most assuredly belongs here Europe by van.

I've come across a new one this morning, that is just setting out Taking on the world where a family of 4 is going to see as much of the world as they can.

One from a few years ago

The John Muir Trail.